Saturday, April 4, 2009

HOPE on ACADEMY will be an opportunity for an organized and safe, yet loosely structured, mentoring arrangement that will help make Roberto Clemente Children's Garden, on Academy Street, in Trenton, NJ, more accessible for caring adults to interact with children who live and play along a street that has gardens supported by Isles, Inc., a pool, a playground, spectacular architecture and a public library - to marvel at the wonder of nature and life, to read, to learn, to sing, to dance or to just daydream on a butterfly shaped bench in a sanctuary of hope.

On July 18th, 2009,
Central Jersey Cultural Art Expression and partners celebrated the spirit of Joe Bird at the Roberto Clemente Park Children's Garden on Academy Street in Trenton with a celebration of butterflies and a Pot Luck Picnic.

Ange Chianese (a.k.a. Garbanzo, the Human Bean and his friend helped everyone clown around to honor the creative, magical, gentle and playful spirit of his old friend, Joe.

The event featured music,juggling, magic and kite making/flying and was organized to raise awareness about the 'No Child Left Inside' network that advocates the physical, emotional and spiritual benefits of outdoor play in nature.

Joe Bird, was a Trenton area community activist who devoted his life quietly and without fanfare to the preservation of open lands, the well-being of children and acts of kindness.
worked behind the scenes to help preserve Wild Spaces similar to the park in Trenton. His modesty and the scope of his good works was not fully revealed until many who knew and loved him gathered to mourn his untimely death in 1997. The butterfly garden at Roberto Clemente Park was planted in his honor in 2007 to inspire children to connect with nature and learn from his example.

The benches below were installed by students from Isles Youthbuild School on a day that also drew student volunteers from TCNJ to plant flowers and bushes that attract butterflies.

Below is a song that grew from planning this project after a jam at a music improv hosted by Ange. It is based on a beautiful story called Hope for the Flowers by Trina Paulus that he recommended I read. It is described as a tale 'partly about life, partly about revolution and lots about hope for adults and others (including caterpillars who can read). I have been in contact with her and I have Trina's blessings to use her theme of Hope for this project and for my song.


  1. Nice to see you on here! I look forward to you writing more! I have been feeling better today...look forward to seeing you on Tuesday!

  2. If you want to see what kind of cool multi-cultural stuff is cooking over at Isles Youthbuild Life Skills Program, check out what Chef E has been teaching them!

    She is the leader of the Cultural Art Expression group that will help provide sound and entertainment for the butterfly celebration and she's looking for cookbook donations for the kids - if you know of any.

  3. I'm saving the date for sure and hope you will post snapshots of the event in case I can't make it. The drive is a little long for me, lol.
    Anything that my girl Chef E joins in something wonderful so I'm on board for sure!!
    Please have a weekend filled with love, joy and laughter and.........

    Steady On
    Reggie Girl

  4. hello... hapi blogging... have a nice day! just visiting here....
